Graduate Council – Agenda

East Tennessee State University

Sept. 24, 2007 1:15pm

President’s Conference Room  Burgin Dossett Hall



Attending:  Dr. David A. Arnall, Dr. Stacy D. Brown, Dr. Scott W. Champney,

Dr. Wallace E. Dixon, Dr. F. Wayne Gillespie, Ms. LaDonna Hutchins, Dr. Donald Hoover,

Ms. Billie Lancaster, Dr. Jo-Ann S. Marrs, Dr. Cecilia McIntosh, Dr. Martha E. Pointer,

Dr. Jeffrey Powers-Beck, Ms. Jenny Reed, Dr. Jasmine Renner, Dr. Robert E. Sawyer,

Dr. Phillip R. Scheuerman, Dr. Marie Tedesco, Dr. Paul Trogen, Ms. Queen Brown

Absent:  Ms. Maria D. Costa, Dr. Mark E. Ellis, Dr. Helene K. Halvorson (excused),

Ms. Chantelle Vernon, Ms. Mary Ellen Musick, Dr. Michael Woodruff


A.                 Introduction 欢迎新成员的加入

I.                   School of Pharmacy ex-officio  Dr. Stacy Brown    

II.                Graduate Student Representatives: Ms. Chantelle Vernon (MPH), Ms. Jenny Reed (MAT)

B.                 Approval of April Minutes – Minutes were approved.

C.                 Approval of May Minutes – Minutes were approved.

D.                Curriculum Sub-Committee – Dr. Martha Pointer


I.          APST 5690,记录社区传统-新课程建议


The subcommittee recommends 批准这门新的跨学科课程作为一门 除了为阿巴拉契亚地区的学生开设的课程之外 研究、英语、社会学和人类学.


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes


II.                        SPCH 5380, 性健康传播-新课程建议


The subcommittee recommends the 批准,随着变化指出,这一新的研究生课程减少 依赖于该地区的4XX7/5XX7课程.


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes


III.               CDIS 5017, 语言与听力科学I -实质性课程修改


The subcommittee recommends 批准课程的修改,并注明更改 反映课程主要重点的变化.


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes



IV.              Non-Substantive 教育领导课程改革(两个建议)


The subcommittee recommends 核准删去合并的法律和财政,并作出注意到的修改 课程和在每个领域增加一门课程.


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes


V.                 TBR 建议:整合MA(单一浓度)和 MEd (两种浓度)加入三种浓度的MA 集中(3个新课程建议和1个课程修改)


The subcommittee recommends 批准合并三家公司 集中在一个学位以下,以简化硕士水平的课程 Early Childhood Education.


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes


VI.              ECED 5580, 幼儿教育学生教学与研讨会-实质课程 Modification


The subcommittee recommends 批准,随着注意到的变化,课程修改将增加 学时数为学生按六至九学时的教学学分计算 with accrediting body guidelines.


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes


VII.           ECED 5325, 幼儿建构主义课程-新课程建议


            The subcommittee recommends 批准新课程,并注明更改,以符合修订后的要求 幼儿教育标准.


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes


VIII.     ECED 5417,幼儿课程发展-新课程建议


The subcommittee recommends 批准,与注意到的变化,新的课程,这将有助于调整 项目与修订后的幼儿教育标准;


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes



IX.              ECED 5167, 幼儿科学和数学的建构主义方法——新课程 Proposal


            The subcommittee recommends 批准,与注意到的变化,新的课程,这将有助于调整 项目与修订后的幼儿教育标准;


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes



X.                 Revise Admission 工商管理硕士标准


            The subcommittee recommends 批准附加入学标准,并注明更改 MBA课程,以适应不同的要求,加速MBA:


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes



XI.              AMBA 5141, Data 分析与建模-新课程建议


            The 小组委员会建议核准本课程,并作出注意到的修改,供使用 在MBA速成课程中.


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes



XII.            AMBA 5151, 决策的会计信息-新课程建议


            The subcommittee recommends 批准,注明变更,本课程用于加速 version of the MBA.


      Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes



XIII.    AMBA 5181,经理人经济学-新课程建议


            The subcommittee recommends 批准,注明变更,用于加速课程 version of the MBA.


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes



XIV.    AMBA 5211,运营和技术战略-新的课程建议


            The subcommittee recommends 批准,注明变更,用于加速课程 version of the MBA.


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes



XV.           AMBA 5221, 全球商业-新课程建议


            The subcommittee recommends 批准本课程在加速课程中使用,并注明以下更改 version of the MBA.


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes



XVI.        AMBA 5231, 战略领导-新课程建议


            The subcommittee recommends 批准,注明变更,用于加速课程 version of the MBA.


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes



XVII.   AMBA 5401,市场策略-新课程建议


            The subcommittee recommends 批准,注明变更,用于加速课程 version of the MBA.


      Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes


XVIII. AMBA 5431,应用公司财务-新课程建议


            小组委员会建议批准, 有了注明的改动,本课程将在加速版中使用 MBA.


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes



XIX.        AMBA 5501, 战略管理过程-新课程建议


            The subcommittee recommends 批准,注明变更,用于加速课程 version of the MBA.


      Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes



XX.      AMBA 5801,战略经验-新课程建议


            小组委员会建议批准, 有了注明的改动,本课程将在加速版中使用 MBA.


Action taken by council:  approved with recommended changes



E.                 Graduate Faculty Sub-Committee – Dr. Wally Dixon


I.                   申请研究生院资格的新申请人 recommendations of subcommittee


Name                                                   Current             Recommended              Remarks


Baylor, Tim                                                                  Interim                          Public Health

Beeler, Robert                                                              Associate                     Mathematics

Burrow, Troy                                                               Interim                          ENVH

Epps, Susan                                                                 Associate                     Physical Therapy

Foley, Virginia                                                  Associate                     ELPA

Han, Keunsu                                                                Associate                     KLSS

Oliveira, Carrie                                                 Associate                     Communication

Onyango, Edward                                                        Associate                     Health Sciences

Pittarese, Anthony                                                        Associate                     CIS

Slawson, Deborah                                                        Associate                     FACS

White, Larry                                                                 Full                               Econ, Finan, Geog, Urb St.

Wycoff, Randy                                                 Full                               Public & Allied Health

Zhang, Chunhua                                                            Associate                     Econ, Finan, Geog, Urb St.

Zucker, Ronald                                                 Associate                     CIS


Action taken by council:  approved



II.                重新申请研究生院资格 recommendations of subcommittee


Name                                                   Current             Recommended              Remarks


Argrawal, Alok             Associate                     Full                               Pharmacology

Anderson, James                      Associate                     Associate                     Public Health

Behringer, Bruce                       Interim                          Interim                          Public Health

Bettis, Glenn                             Associate                     Associate                     Ed. Leadership

Burnley, Cynthia                       Associate                     Associate                     Assess. Perf. Funding

Countermine, Terry                   Full                               Associate                     CIS

Gann, Rosalind             Associate                     Associate                     Curriculum & Instruction

Godbole, Anant                        Full                               Full                               Mathematics

Hancock, John                         Full                               Full                               Pharmacology

Hayman, J. Russell                    Associate                     Full                               Microbiology

Holland, Mark                          Full                               Associate                     English

King, Lindsay                           Interim                          Associate                     Sociology/Anthropology

Littleton, Mary Ann                  Associate                     Full                               Public Health

Luttermoser, Donald                 Associate                     Associate                     Physics/Astronomy/Geol.

Miller, Barney                           Full                               Full                               Anatomy/Psychiatry

Miller, Merry                            Full                               Full                               Psychiatry

Miller, Phillip                            Associate                     Associate                     Management/Marketing

Monaco, Paul                           Associate                     Associate                     Anatomy & Cell Bio.

Nelson, Ardis                           Full                               Full                               Foreign Languages

O’Donnell, Kevin                     Associate                     Full                               English

Poole, George                          Associate                     Full                               Mathematics

Rasch, Ellen                              Full                               Full                               Anatomy & Cell Bio.

Snider, J. Blake                        Associate                     Full                               HDAL


Action taken by council:  approved



F.                  Old Business

I.                    继续讨论毕业生的资格 faculty status.  A task force has been 成立的目的是对最佳实务标准进行检讨,并向委员会汇报 council.  Members of the task force are: Dr. Wallace Dixon, Dr. David Arnall, Dr. Jo-Ann Marrs, Dr. Marie Tedesco, Dr. Jeff Powers-Beck, Dr. Scott Champney, and Dr. Cecilia McIntosh.


G.                New Business


I.                   Report on 横幅实施-学生系统“上线”-博士. Jeff Powers-Beck


Dr. Powers-Beck reported that 本科和研究生办公室现在接受申请 Banner系统和Gateway信用卡正在ETSU和ETSU之间进行测试 Nashville.  一本六十多页的培训手册 班纳的印刷和培训仍在继续.  目前,ETSU正在使用SIS和Banner以及学生的 正在转换到新系统的记录.  SIS系统将在2010年之前开放,但会越来越少 useful.


II.                Graduate Student Teaching Award Proposal – Dr. Wayne Gillespie


1.      Dr. Gillespie为研究生教学颁发了卓越教学奖 助理和同事,并要求输入有关教师的建议 记录诗歌的非记录教师.  A 有关资格建议的白皮书已分发,以供讨论 the next meeting.  A request was made to 来自其他院校的基准奖励津贴水平,以帮助确定一个 appropriate amount.


III.             GRAD courses -研究生和教师的专业发展. Celia McIntosh


Dr. McIntosh informed the council 为毕业生开设专业发展课程的进度 研究生院的学生和教师. 


IV.              Dr. Pointer提出了一份课程批准要求的清单

to aid the 课程小组委员会在评估课程建议方面卓有成效 and timely manner.  This document will be discussed at the next council meeting


                        V.        Dr. Scott Champney再次当选主席.


H.                Adjournment – Adjourned at 2:35 p.m.