




博士参加:. 大卫·阿诺尔博士. 斯科特·钱普尼博士. 华莱士·迪克森博士. 唐纳德·胡佛

Dr. 乔-安·马尔斯博士. 塞西莉亚·麦金托什博士. 玛莎·派特博士. 杰弗里·Powers-Beck

Dr. Jasmine Renner博士. 罗伯特·索耶博士. Philip Scheuerman博士. 玛丽·特德斯科博士. 保罗·特罗根,布朗女王-博士. 马克·埃利斯为每封邮件辩解.




1. PHIL 5077 -当代大陆哲学

http://infosys.差.edu/cps/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_1&FormID = 6&实例= 616


目前,PHIL 4027/5027当代哲学是本专业的必修课. The course material is divided between twentieth century analytic philosophy and continental philosophy, 这门课是由两位教员共同教授的, 一个人在每个领域都有专长. 然而, 在一门课程中涉及的内容太多了, and it has been impossible for the department to staff this course annually since it requires two professors. Thus, it has been offered only every second year, which is too infrequent for a required course. We propose the creation of two new courses – Contemporary Continental Philosophy and Topics in Analytic Philosophy – to permit better treatment of the subject matter. We propose modifying the contemporary philosophy requirement so that it may be satisfied by taking one of these two courses.


A survey of the developments in European philosophy from the last 19 th century to the present. 主题可能包括现象学, 诠释学, 解构主义, 后结构主义, 批判理论, 以及差异哲学.


A. 去掉课程大纲中“目的和目标”部分多余的“to”

B. 在提案表格和课程大纲上展开“课程描述”




2. PHIL 5087 -主题分析哲学

http://infosys.差.edu/cps/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_1&FormID = 6&实例= 615


建议的理由如PHIL 5077所述.


A survey of the developments in analytic philosophy from the late 19 th century to the present

主题可能包括逻辑原子论, 逻辑的实证主义, 日常语言哲学, 自然主义, 概念分析, 分析认识论, 分析形而上学, 和元伦理学.


A. 删除课程大纲中“目的和目标”部分中多余的“to”

B. 在提案表格和课程大纲上展开“课程描述”

C. Add the page numbers to the readings listed in the “Required Readings” on the Course Syllabus




3. CDIS 5290 -晚期成人神经源性认知交流障碍

http://infosys.差.edu/cps/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_1&FormID = 6&实例= 929

This course has been taught experimentally as an elective in the graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology.

An advanced seminar focusing on three topics: communicative and cognitive disorders following right hemisphere damage (RHBD), 创伤性脑损伤, 以及进行性神经系统疾病. The course will emphasize in-depth understanding of the nature of the disorders and their neurological correlates, 评估疾病的诊断工具, 以及对用于治疗这些疾病的治疗程序的批判性审查.

A. Correct the following typographical errors in the “Course Description” on the proposal form and in the “Catalog Description” in the Course Syllabus:

1. 把“聚焦”改为“聚焦”.”

2. 纠正单词“trauma”的拼写

3. 在“强调”和“深入”之间插入一个空格,“深入”用连字符连接.”

B. Insert “Students should be able to:” before the bulleted items in the “Purpose and Goals” section of the Course Syllabus

C. Insert “be” before “prepared” in the last bulleted item in the “Purpose and Goals” section of the Course Syllabus

D. Insert a space between “model” and “of” in the third item of “Learning Outcomes” in the Course Syllabus

E. Add a “y” to the “appl” in the third item of “Learning Outcomes” in the Course Syllabus

F. 在课程大纲的“评分标准”中,在“a”的第二个等级上增加“-”





http://infosys.差.edu/cps/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_6&FormID = 17&实例= 769


The department voted to replace Seminar in Taxation (ACCT 5410) with Income Taxes II (ACCT 4427/5427). Most of our MACC students are attempting to get either their 150 hours required by most all states, 或获得MACC的称号. Without the Corporate Taxation course (ACCT 5427), the pass rate on the CPA exam has decreased. ACCT 4427/5427目前在目录中. 150学时的学生将保留本科选项, 但是需要通过这门课程来提高他们对企业税收的认识. ACCT 5410将保留为MACC学生的选修课. 另外, 随着BADM 5710内容的变化, 战略管理流程, (现已改为BADM 5500)工商管理硕士课程, 它确实符合MACC学生的需求. 目前, BADM 5500 is used as the first part of a sequence in which MBA students begin working with the clients they will consult with as part of BADM 5800, 战略的经验. 由于MACC的学生没有参加BADM 5800,所以他们不应该参加BADM 5500. 取代BADM 5500(以前的BADM 5710), MACC students should take a strategy course that fits with their professional interests. MACC学生可以选择的课程包括:BADM 5170, 技术与创新战略管理, 作战策略:badm5340, 人力资源战略badm5400, 市场策略, 保健战略规划


Changes in the CPA exam have increased the need for corporate tax to be a required part of the curriculum. In the revised exam, 40 or 60 percent of the Regulation part of the exam is corporate.


A. 更正“Summary of Actions”中“department”的拼写.”

B. Add “to be able to qualify for taking the CPA exam” after “required by most all states” in the second sentence of the “Summary of Actions.”

C. Insert “not” the seventh sentence of the “Summary of Actions” so that the section will read “it does NOT meet the needs of MACC students….”

D. Add semi-colons between the names and course numbers of the courses listed in the last sentence of the “Summary of Actions.”

E. Correct the spelling of “biannually” in the “List ETSU courses to be deleted from the course inventory” section.










The President’s Council decision for changing the graduation ceremony included the decision to eliminate hooding of Doctoral students during the December and May graduation ceremonies. Dr. 南希·迪什纳和琼斯先生. Paul Hayes explained the alternate plans the ad hoc committee had formulated and what factors were considered in arriving at their recommendations. 在短暂的, rationale for elimination of hooding included the length of the ceremony (recent ones being 3-4 hours), mixed signals to family (some doctoral students were hooded at graduation (note – traditionally here at ETSU, 拿论文的学生戴上了兜帽,而其他人没有), 新的消防队长占用条例, and researching of the situation; the conclusion was made to split the graduation ceremony into two sections. 第一个仪式将在上午10点举行.m. 第二次是下午两点.m. 因此, the time constraint for set-up between ceremonies was deemed an additional reason for elimination of hooding of doctoral students. 一些单独的学院, 比如护理和教育, 他们的研究生会在一个单独的典礼上吗. The formal procedure will be reviewed after December graduation and again after the May graduation ceremony.


由于总统会议的决定, the Graduate Council members participated in a lively and informative discussion whether to send a statement to the President’s Council or to table the item until spring. The decision was made to compose a brief statement conveying the position that hooding is an important component of the culmination of many years of work toward the doctoral degree and asking that future reviews of the graduation ceremony include consideration of inclusion of hooding in some form. Ms. Queen Brown was asked to draft a statement based on the discussion and to route to members for their comment. 经批准的声明随后将被转交给总统委员会.